The incredulity! Fox Media says "No Offense"!
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" Some pictures are worth a thousand words or maybe four billion dollars according to a super stupid double -- lawyer Miley Cyrus says she meant no offense by slanting horizon a recent photo seen here. June. But now Los Angeles woman has filed a four billion dollar class action lawsuit on behalf of all Asian Pacific islanders living in Los Angeles county why stop there in this -- attorney -- CJ can claims each -- one. Million clients should be paid a minimum of four grand because there's civil rights have been violated by violent gesture. We've contacted -- number of times to appear on the show today. But apparently she's just too busy being a Turkey jerk at your face sue me over that -- at your pace that is a race it was a I don't know -- did you first did you smell. Often. How does this picture. Miley Cyrus as dumb as it may be a violate. Anybody's civil rights well I don't know that it violates anyone doesn't violate mine but my eyes don't look as much slanted it's perhaps an an Asian persons do. I actually try to find this photo yeah offered last week and I couldn't find it so it seems that. If it's offending anybody they've had to downloaded them previously -- referred it back many times I couldn't find anywhere on the Internet at all yet. I'm not bother arguing that these days you don't have a computer is that that explains a lot -- and its -- on my computer -- eighteen -- I don't want that picture radio yeah it. Yeah yeah. That's the one good would booting into the warm yes yeah. Patty yeah Cyrus and her friends may be guilty of bad taste but that's not be legal is that I mean if that would choose the bill would be on death row would be -- if you want."
" these days I could say that -- open -- but then we think of them has been very PC but the anti PC yeah I like they've they've really attack each other and it's all in -- the disease ethnics learn his eyes and the black teenagers on the -- calling each -- the N word now like friendly now -- inherently. Yeah. I couldn't miss it doesn't like people talking that. Kelly yeah Edward -- Did not cleared -- what --"
" Better all around yeah these kids these day actually and burden I think like post racial and they didn't I yeah."
" All right all right all right Mike -- recession we're looking at rising unemployment and inflation."
" And here's is due this lawyer let the three time the clog the courts with frivolous lawsuit shouldn't she be punished after the stations thrown out for wasting everyone's time and money."
" Damn right you know -- time reviewing this story actually. And it SI from the fact that -- a project you host the show in the provides insight into the youth of today."
" 88 I I've got a teenage daughter I hate to always bring up my my personal side of things that I got teenage daughter who. Who actually likes Miley Cyrus I've actually sworn AA. An oath to her not to say anything bad about my desires so I stand behind her actions that would help. Many guys I was I was gonna say they -- don't want to contact went down and -- thank you it you don't do what bill. Our pictures are you doing far worse things than Miley did the -- innocent animals but unlike you might buy sophisticated he said he's sorry. Should not be the end of the story you don't know now and now. This -- always talks about how all these kids in America today have no tough love there's no discipline we finally see a child star that does somebody with a little objectionable and she gets treated with parsley and ultimately attract I think it could bring a bamboo cage and -- a -- live up and veto --"
" The bad parts yeah."
" As little girl yeah yes 600 at Guantanamo that yes it. Still the right there."
" Last point you patty and I."
" How does this person. -- a million people she's representing how do you legally represented every member of a group and averaging dude is a good question who really had authorized her to represent Asian some -- going to stand up and say she does not represent me yes like I'm waiting for that."
" Happen all right. "
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